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Creating the Perfect Bedtime Routine

Apr 18, 2024
bedtime routine

Creating the perfect bedtime routine for your baby


Are you ready to transform bedtime into a peaceful and soothing experience for both you and your baby? Establishing a consistent bedtime routine is key to promoting better sleep habits and creating a sense of security for your little one. In this post, we'll walk through each step of the bedtime routine, from feeding to laying down in the crib, ensuring a smooth transition to dreamland for your baby.


Step 1 of your bedtime routine:

The first step in your bedtime routine begins with a feed for your baby. If your baby is 3 months or older, I recommend starting the routine with a feed rather than ending the routine with a feed. 


Whether you breastfeed or bottle-feed, this is an important step that not only provides bonding and connection before sleep but also helps to fill your baby’s fuel tank before a long night of sleep. During this feed it’s helpful to make sure your baby is actively engaged and eating. We don’t want to allow them to drift off as that can remove some sleep pressure which will make it harder for them to fall asleep and stay asleep at bedtime. 


You can choose to do this feed in their bedroom or in a main room of the home. It can be helpful to use their bedroom if they are an especially distracted feeder. But you do want to make sure that as you’re feeding them, they are not tempted to become drowsy. 



Step 2 of your bedtime routine:

After a satisfying feed, it's time to transition to bath time—a soothing and enjoyable experience for many babies. A warm bath can help relax your baby's muscles and signal that bedtime is approaching. Not only that, but the internal body temperature shifts that your baby will experience during the bathtime process can help with the onset of sleep.


When in the warm bath, your baby’s internal temperature will naturally rise and when they get out of the warm bath, their temperature will naturally fall. This rising and falling body temperature is a necessary process to kickstart their body towards sleep.


If you can’t do a bath for your baby every night or simply don’t want to, consider using a warm washcloth to wipe down their hands and face instead. This can have a similar (although not as strong) effect.

Step 3 of your bedtime routine:

Once bath time is complete, head to your baby's room to get dressed for bed. If you can have the lights dimmed or a hall light on while the main overhead light is off, that is ideal. It helps your baby’s brain recognize that sleep time is coming shortly. We definitely want to avoid harsh and bright lights during this part of the bedtime routine.


Choose comfortable and breathable pajamas that are suitable for the current bedroom temperature. If you would like, adding a sleep sack can be a great option in order to avoid loose blankets in the cot. However, make sure you aren’t over bundling your baby for bed at night. When in doubt, it’s always better to err on the side of too cool overnight instead of too warm. Keep that in mind as you dress your baby for bed.


Use this time to engage with your baby through gentle touch and soothing words, reinforcing the bedtime routine and creating a sense of calm.



Step 4 of your bedtime routine:

With your baby dressed and cosy, it's time to wind down with a soothing song or bedtime story. Whether you choose to sing a lullaby or read a favourite book, this quiet activity helps transition your baby from playtime to sleep time. Continue to keep the lights dim and maintain a calm atmosphere to signal that it's time to relax and unwind.


This section of the bedtime routine will change and shift as your baby grows. A song and snuggle may work best for the youngest babies under 4 months. As your baby becomes a bit older, looking at books together can be a great idea. And as your baby becomes a toddler, they’ll grow more interested in listening to you read actual stories. Follow your baby’s lead on this.


If you get to this step of the routine and your baby is not interested or starting to act fussy, it’s okay to skip forward to the next step. This step can be great for extra bonding and snuggle time before put down but if your baby is signaling to you that they are tired and over it, listen to them.


Step 5 of your bedtime routine:

As you approach the final stages of the bedtime routine, it's essential to set the stage for sleep. Turn on their white noise to drown out any background noise and encourage better quality sleep. White noise is also another wonderful cue for your baby that sleep time is nearing. You may even notice they start yawning when they hear that white noise at bedtime. 


Turn any remaining lights off so that the room is dark and your baby’s eyes can start adjusting. Ideally, you’d like their sleep room to be pitch black once the windows are covered and the door is shut. This will also help improve their ability to fall asleep without distractions and stay asleep.


Step 6 of your bedtime routine:

The final step in the bedtime routine is to lay your baby down in their crib. Gently place your baby on their back, ensuring that they are comfortable and safe. Use a firm mattress and remove any loose bedding or toys to reduce the risk of suffocation. Offer a comforting touch or gentle kiss as you say goodnight, reinforcing your presence and providing reassurance as your baby drifts off to sleep.


A key point here is to lay your baby down awake as this can promote healthy and sustainable sleep habits where your baby is in control of the act of falling asleep. By working on laying down awake, not only will your baby become better and better at this skill, but it can also help eliminate common sleep issues like night wakings, early morning wakings, short naps, and fighting falling asleep.


For more help with this final step of the bedtime routine, a 1:1 personalised sleep plan is your next step. Specifically designed for parents who need sleep solutions to create harmony at home and have their family sleeping well sooner.  I’ll walk you through the process of teaching your baby to be laid down awake at bedtime.

Additional Tips for a Successful Bedtime Routine

  • Be consistent: Establishing a consistent bedtime routine is key to promoting better sleep habits for your baby. Aim to follow the same sequence of activities each night to create a sense of predictability and security.
  • Start early: It's never too early to start implementing a bedtime routine for your baby. Even newborns can benefit from a simple routine that helps signal the transition from wakefulness to sleep.
  • It’s never too late: If you don’t have a bedtime routine and you didn’t get started early, it’s okay! It’s never too late to implement a bedtime routine. Your baby is smart and they will catch on quickly.
  • Adjust as needed: Be prepared to adjust your bedtime routine based on your baby's evolving needs and preferences. Pay attention to your baby's cues and adapt the routine as necessary to promote better sleep and relaxation. 
  • Stay calm and patient: Bedtime can be a challenging time for both you and your baby, especially during the early weeks and months. If you are heading into the bedtime routine feeling stressed or rushed, your baby will feel that too and respond accordingly. Stay calm, patient, and consistent in your approach, and trust that your efforts will pay off in the long run. 
  • 30 minutes is plenty: Your bedtime routine may take up to 30 minutes to complete. But if it’s becoming longer than that, you might want to streamline things a bit more. 


By following these steps and incorporating the key elements of a bedtime routine, you can create a soothing and comforting experience for your baby each night. Remember to prioritize consistency, relaxation, and gentle engagement throughout the routine, and trust that you're laying the foundation for a lifetime of healthy sleep habits for your little one.


Now comes the fun part: Once you've finished the bedtime routine and your baby is asleep, it’s your turn to pop your feet up and enjoy some downtime!

Vanessa xo